Forensic Issues Group
The Forensic Committee will have as its primary focus the issues related to adolescents and emerging adults through age 25 years concerning juvenile and adult justice and impact of legislation that may benefit or put this population at risk.
This online group has the following charges:
Consider issues under the committee's designated purview;
Determine one or two issues for the focus over the coming year;
Collaborate with other ASAP committees on areas related to these issues;
Develop policy statements for Governing Board consideration related to advocacy, internal ASAP and external policy development; pending federal or state as appropriate legislation;
Develop at least one newsletter article per 6-month period;
Propose at least one topic with recommended speaker(s) for the Annual Meeting, regional meetings, review courses, workshops, or special events;
Other duties agreed upon by the committee chair and ASAP President.
The chair will be responsible for the following duties:
Report quarterly (10 working days before scheduled Governing Board meetings);
Schedule at least quarterly meetings and hold meetings (or communicate via email) as needed for issues to be considered or under consideration;
Lead the committee in meeting its designated charges;
Develop liaisons with other ASAP committees for consideration of issues of mutual concern;
Contact the President on issues that require immediate Executive Committee or Governing Board attention.
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
September 21, 2022
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