Recertification Information
The American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry sponsors board recertification in Adolescent & Young Adult Psychiatry overseen and administered by the American Board of Adolescent Psychiatry (ABAP).
Recertification Requirements (download instructions)
If you are currently certified through the American Board of Adolescent Psychiatry (ABAP), you must submit a full recertification packet (download checklist before proceeding). The packet MUST include the following:
Recertification Application (online only)
Documentation of 10 hours of Category 1 CME credit per year (for last 5 or 10 years of certification) specifically in child/adolescent psychiatry (unless submitted annually) and ALL MOC fees are paid.
Case Report
Copy of current medical license
Proof of active board certification in general or child/adolescent psychiatry by either ABPN or the Royal College of Medicine in Canada
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Documentation of membership or eligibility for membership in APA or CPA (if applicable).
Submitted your online application with the above requirements? NEXT, go to the payments page under "Recertification Fees" and select the appropriate payment. Remember, if you're a current ASAP member in good standing (current year's dues paid), you're eligible for a 25% discount on the recertification fee). ALSO, starting with 2019, if you're an ASAP member in good standing, MOC fees are waived; however, prior years' fees must be paid and proof may be required to verify. Below is more information on the recertification process.
SUBMIT annual Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements online: click here or go to the Guide to Maintenance of Certification in Adolescent Psychiatry Requirements.
Guide References:
Evaluation and Formulation in Adolescent Psychiatry, Lois T. Flaherty, MD
Psychiatric Case Formulation: Assessing Pediatric Mental Health in the Medical Home, Rebecca Marshall, MD​
Recertification Application Fee: $500.00 (includes one case management report fee and certificate)
Maintenance of Certification Fees: $250 (5 years) or $500 (10 years) (unless $50 paid annually)
Late Fee $100.00 (for applications submitted after December 31)
Grace period of 6 months ending June 30 of the year after certification expires (late fee applies)
For more information about certification/recertification, contact the National Office: (703) 746-8900 or ASAPadolpsych@gmail.com.